Welcome to the ANDREA RECOVERY FUND page!!
FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DONATE: COMMENT HERE OR EMAIL WELOVESAMMY27@GMAIL.COM Thanks for your kindness, generosity, and support!! ******************************************************************************************************************* Do you love Sam? Are you interested in supporting Andrea in their recovery from surgery? Taking a month off of work can be quite a financial hit! Please consider donating to the ANDREA RECOVERY FUND! If you donate, you can receive t-shirts, stickers, and buttons with the likeness of Andrea's little pooch, Sam! Sam is THE BEST and I'm sure if you've spent any time with Sam you already know this. See below for all of the necessary information! If you want to donate and want to get this awesome swag, you can donate through paypal; these payments will go directly to Andrea. Aimee* will be paying the costs of the stickers, buttons, and shirts, so that all proceeds can go directly to Andrea. *About Aimee (me): I'm a frien...